Pretty in Pink
This elegant bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of soft, romantic hues and textures. At its heart are velvety pink roses, symbolizing love and admiration, surrounded by vibrant snapdragons that add height and whimsy. The delicate rice flower contributes a sweet, airy touch, while lush dark green foliage offers a rich backdrop, enhancing the overall contrast of the arrangement.
Fluttery alstroemeria introduces delightful movement, with its unique petal structure swirling gracefully throughout the bouquet. Dainty dianthus adds a charming, peppery element, enriching the color palette with its vibrant shades. Together, these elements create a stunning display that is both classy and sophisticated, perfect for delivering a heartfelt message for any occasion or simply brightening a loved one’s day.
This elegant bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of soft, romantic hues and textures. At its heart are velvety pink roses, symbolizing love and admiration, surrounded by vibrant snapdragons that add height and whimsy. The delicate rice flower contributes a sweet, airy touch, while lush dark green foliage offers a rich backdrop, enhancing the overall contrast of the arrangement.
Fluttery alstroemeria introduces delightful movement, with its unique petal structure swirling gracefully throughout the bouquet. Dainty dianthus adds a charming, peppery element, enriching the color palette with its vibrant shades. Together, these elements create a stunning display that is both classy and sophisticated, perfect for delivering a heartfelt message for any occasion or simply brightening a loved one’s day.
This elegant bouquet showcases a harmonious blend of soft, romantic hues and textures. At its heart are velvety pink roses, symbolizing love and admiration, surrounded by vibrant snapdragons that add height and whimsy. The delicate rice flower contributes a sweet, airy touch, while lush dark green foliage offers a rich backdrop, enhancing the overall contrast of the arrangement.
Fluttery alstroemeria introduces delightful movement, with its unique petal structure swirling gracefully throughout the bouquet. Dainty dianthus adds a charming, peppery element, enriching the color palette with its vibrant shades. Together, these elements create a stunning display that is both classy and sophisticated, perfect for delivering a heartfelt message for any occasion or simply brightening a loved one’s day.
This stunning arrangement features 35-40 stems of beautifully curated flowers and lush foliage arranged in a 10” tall white cylinder vase.
As a perishable company that depends on Mother Nature for our materials of production, it is unfortunately impossible to guarantee that the flower varieties and colors will be exactly as stated or pictured on our product pages on
To ensure that we can always ship you or your recipient the best of the best, we reserve the right to substitute any flowers in the purchased bouquet or arrangement. For any flower varieties that may become unavailable before fulfilling your order, we will substitute those stems with a variety of the same or greater value at no additional cost. Our designers will make every effort to maintain the spirit of the arrangement by considering the overall shape, size, style, and color combinations.